This article explains some of the most used Linux commands and their basic usage which will be more helpful for beginners. All these commands should be entered at the command prompt and you must press the ENTER button to execute the desired command. Please note that all Linux commands are case sensitive.
1. pwd - Present working directory. It show currently which path you are working on.
2. ls - List Directory Contents. It will list all files and folder in current working directory.
3. ll - Long Listing. It will list all files and folder with it details (permission, ownership) in current working directory.
4. ls -la - Hidden files. List the content of folder, including hidden files starting with ‘.’.
5. cd - Change Directory. We can able to change one to other folders with help of this command. cd without any parameters changes to the user's home directory.
6. mkdir - Creating new folder.
7. touch - Creating new file.
8. cp - Copy. It copies a file from one location to another location.
9. mv - Move. It moves a file from one location to another location.
10. date - The “date” (Date) command print the current date and time on the standard output, and can further be set.
1. pwd - Present working directory. It show currently which path you are working on.
root@linuxstorage:~# pwd
2. ls - List Directory Contents. It will list all files and folder in current working directory.
root@linuxstorage:~# ls
data1 data2 data.txt
3. ll - Long Listing. It will list all files and folder with it details (permission, ownership) in current working directory.
root@linuxstorage:~# ll
rwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 10 11:14 data.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root4096 May 13 09:42 data1
4. ls -la - Hidden files. List the content of folder, including hidden files starting with ‘.’.
root@linuxstorage:~# ls -la
data1 data2 data.txt .cache .gvfs .bashrc
5. cd - Change Directory. We can able to change one to other folders with help of this command. cd without any parameters changes to the user's home directory.
root@linuxstorage:~# cd /home/user/Desktop
6. mkdir - Creating new folder.
root@linuxstorage:~#mkdir data3
data1 data2 data3 data.txt
7. touch - Creating new file.
root@linuxstorage:~#touch newfile
data1 data2 data2 data.txt newfile
8. cp - Copy. It copies a file from one location to another location.
root@linuxstorage:~# cp /home/user/Desktop/data1 /home/user/
9. mv - Move. It moves a file from one location to another location.
root@linuxstorage:~#mv /home/user/Desktop/data1 /home/user/
10. date - The “date” (Date) command print the current date and time on the standard output, and can further be set.
root@linuxstorage:~# date
Fri May 17 14:13:29 IST 2013.
Nice tutorials